Hello folks!

Been MIA for far too long, I knowww. Sorry, been busy dealing with life lately. No negative commentary coming in, if that’s what you are wondering. Over the course of roughly 4 months if I have to bottomline on one thing it would be “Gratitude”. I know, I know! don’t raise your eye-brows at me, just hear me out, okay?

Few months back I barely kept myself afloat amidst testy waters so here’s me throwing you a life-jacket, such a good Samaritan you might think, I know. Come on now, grab it and lemme take you on a ride.

I am pretty sure many of you might have heard of the word “GRATITUDE” somewhere, if you’re reading my blog imma take that as a “YES”. So here’s the thing now, this particular word hold wonders of a lifetime. Few months back I decided to take a break from my 9-5 in pursuit of a bit of mental peace, I bet I had a plan on how I would tackle the downtime well enough to land another job helping me to take the breather my mind and body kept asking me of. But life has plans very different to yours and in hindsight way better that what your mind would ever conjure up.

So gratitude happened to be something I stumbled upon in my downtime. The fact that a simple act of giving thanks to the universe can help you so much in ways unimaginable. As humans we are very much primed to look for the next best thing we can grab our hands onto. There is always something to chase after. I pretty sure have a list of what I want to achieve in the future. How very weird of us to be in a rat race of sorts where we most definitely have already achieved what we wished for say 2 years back, we might be very much living in the reality we created 2 years back and now that we are here we fail to acknowledge and just very simply push the goal post. The constant state of unaccomplishment keeps us from enjoying life and it most definitely ruins our present as we still are chasing a future goal. “Here & Now” is the only place we don’t live in but we somehow manage to engage all our faculties towards a certain “Past”(already occurred, a moment in time that as of now does not exist) OR “Future”(yet to happen, a moment in time that is yet to occur).

It is really well concocted for us to live by so well enough that we being the only species with such strong mental/emotional faculties never happen to question it and continue to torture ourselves.

Please let this 3D not overwhelm you good enough to forget that we at some point waited for this to be our escape, say THANKYOU and consciously make a decision to keep doing so for the littlest of things be it the fresh air you breathe, the clean water you drink or a roof over your head. Watch it turn into a more beautiful person inside-out on a daily basis.

Lots of LOVE. Mwaaah.

Courtesy : https://unsplash.com

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